

  • Customers Are Required To Have A Picture ID For The Purposes Of Verification. This Can Be A State Issued ID, Driver’s License, Or Passport.

  • At Least 24 Hours Advanced Notice Required Whenever Possible

  • Advanced Payment Required For Same-Day Appointments

  • No Cancellations/Refunds For Same-Day Appointments

  • Signings In Remote Areas And Under Extreme Circumstances (Rush Jobs, Long Waiting, Inclement Weather, Long Distances, Etc…) May Result In Additional Fees

  • Cancellations Should Be Made Via Email, Text Or Phone No Later Than 4 Hours Prior To The Scheduled Appointment. This Does Not Apply To Same-Day Appointments

If there are ANY mistakes on ANY document(s) that your institution deems invalid, you have 90 days to contact us and have the documents re-done for free of charge; this is only if the notary made a mistake. If the mistake is due to a client and/or you*, or if the notary has made mistake and you do not make the notary aware of this mistake before 90 days pass, you must pay the full fee again to have the documents redone. We triple check all documentation, so please check your documentation once the Notary departs and immediately contact us if there is an issue. You are not entitled to a refund for any reason under any circumstance after 3 months have passed. If you need specific pages redone, mailed, scanned, and/or etc, we charge a $20 convenience fee.